We're currently accepting women 55+ in Ontario (or who want to move to Ontario) to seek homemates.
You may also sign up as a community member (volunteer, or already a homemate) and your profile information will not be displayed in the profile search.
Your name (unless you use it as your username), email, relationship status, ethnicity and gender/sexual identity will not appear on your profile. Administrators may use your contact information if we have to get in touch, and we use the other information for anonymized statistical reports.
To sign up as a volunteer, already a homemate, or some other involvement in SWLT, please fill out this form.e.g. many people currently in our Facebook Discussion group might want to join our own discussion groups.
Select the city/area where you currently reside, as well as any you'd like to relocate to. Your profile will be included in searches for these regions. You may add specific towns or neighbourhoods to your Introduction.
You may select either or both.