Completing your profile

As a subscriber, your journey to finding compatible homemates* and then to start living together in a home of your choice has begun!!

To get started on this journey, you MUST have a completed profile. 

  • To open the profile questionnaire, click on I'm ready to sign up.
  • Make sure you answer all of the questions that are marked with asterisks (*) as those are required to submit your responses. 
  • If you're not quite done, you can save your responses as a draft - because you're not logged in yet, this will place a cookie on your device, so you have to use the same computer/tablet/phone to come back and complete it. 
  • If you're joining SWLT but don't want to appear in the profile search, select I'm not looking at the moment

If things change, you can always come back and edit your profile responses. We may occasionally change or add new questions, so it's good to review your profile and keep it current. 

Homeowners must complete the Profile questionnaire AND the Homeowners questionnaire.

*SWLT uses the term homemates to describe the groups of women who have used our platform to find each other.