SWLT Code of Conduct

We treat each other with respect, even when we disagree

It is expected that we will sometimes disagree with each other. However, disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We do not allow our frustrations to turn into personal attacks. When we observe such behavior, we refer those involved to our Code of Conduct.

When we disagree, we first try to work things out between ourselves in a constructive manner. If that is not possible, we ask others to help us. This approach gives people more control over the outcome of their dispute. If that fails, we escalate the matter to designated leaders in our community. Our Conflict Resolution Policy provides clarity and direction for resolving conflicts.

We are collaborative

When feasible, we work in the open and invite others to collaborate with us. We document our work and share our progress with others. We take responsibility for our words and actions and the impact they have on others. We listen to what others have to say and keep our minds open.


  • Board and volunteers have @swlt.ca email addresses and access to Google drive to maintain records in a central place rather than keeping documents to themselves if the information is not necessarily private.. 
  • Each working group keeps the board  informed through their representative. 

We do not tolerate abusive behavior

Everyone is responsible for taking action against harassment, intimidation, bullying, and abuse. We speak up when we see others engaging in discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning behavior.

Those who experience or observe incidents of bullying, harassment, and abuse should report them using the Incident Report Form. All reports are reviewed by the Conflict Resolution Team, who will respond as necessary and appropriate. Care is taken to protect the privacy of reporters as well as those harmed or endangered by the incident. Those who are in immediate danger should seek the assistance of local law enforcement.

We ask for help when we need it

When we need clarity, we ask questions in simple, polite language to avoid problems later on. We understand that contributors may not have the time to answer every question. Before asking a question we review existing resources (generally https://swlt.ca member or public pages) to see if we can find the answer. If we find inaccurate or outdated information, we help to make sure it gets updated.

We understand that those who are new to our community may not have the same knowledge or experience that we do. We document our work so that others may benefit from our experience and expertise.


  • Creating and correctly filing documents that explain procedures 
  • Guiding new users around the website
  • Creating and maintaining nudges in the chat 

We step down considerately

Members of every project come and go. Being able to take a break or step away is important for both our personal health and the health of our community. When it is time for us to leave, we do so in a way that minimizes disruption. We tell people we are leaving and take steps so that others are able to pick up where we left off. Our goal is to leave things better than we found them.

We are here for each other

SWLT values the unique talents, backgrounds, identities, and experiences of its members and volunteers. Without them, we would not have a community. It is up to all of us to keep this community a friendly, welcoming, and inclusive place for everyone. We appreciate your support.


This document is based on the Drupal Code of Conduct, last revised in 2023 to support the growth and evolution of that community.